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Hair Transplant in Turkey - Acibadem Hospital

Hair Transplant in Turkey - Acibadem Hospital

27 Nov, 2023
In summary:

Unlock the secret to reviving your confidence: Discover how a hair transplant at Acibadem Hospital can redefine your image and transform your life!

Imagine a world where one's hair perfectly reflects inner vitality and confidence. That's the world Acibadem Hospital strives to create. Nestled in the heart of Turkey, Acibadem Hospital Hair Transplant Centre is where your transformative journey begins, adding to your renewed sense of self-esteem and joy.

In this blog, we invite you to explore the art and science of hair restoration. Whether you're taking the first steps in considering hair transplantation or searching for the finest expertise, we're here to guide you with compassion and professionalism. 


Hair Transplant Options at Acibadem Hospital

 Acibadem offers advanced hair transplant techniques, each designed to cater to different needs and preferences. 


1. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)


Advanced Hair Transplant Techniques Available at Acibadem Hospital


FUE is one of the most sought-after techniques in hair transplantation. It involves extracting hair follicles precisely and transplanting them to the target area. This method is known for leaving minimal scarring and providing a natural-looking result. Within the FUE category, Acibadem offers:

a) Sapphire FUE: Utilising sapphire blades for more precise cuts and shorter recovery times.

b) MicroFUE: This method employs extremely thin needles attached to a micromotor, ensuring the highest precision and shorter operation times.

c) Long Hair FUE: Ideal for those who prefer not to shave their heads completely, this technique involves transplanting hair follicles from a concealed patch of the scalp.


2. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Though not as commonly used as FUE and DHI due to advancements in technology, FUT is still a viable option for cases requiring the transplantation of a large number of hair follicles. This method involves transferring follicle units in groups, which can yield better results for extensive hair loss. However, it's important to note that FUT may result in a longer recovery period and a linear scar that can be concealed by hair growth.   

3. Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)  


Transformative Hair Transplant Results at Acibadem Hospital

DHI is the latest addition to the hair transplantation field. Similar to FUE in terms of individual follicle extraction and transplantation, DHI uses a specialised pen-like tool that streamlines the process, reducing operation time. This method combines follicle removal and implantation in one step, offering efficiency and precision.


Find Your Perfect Hair Transplant Solution – Connect with a Hair Transplant Specialist


Why Choose Acibadem Hospital for Your Hair Transplant?

Choosing the right hospital for your hair transplant is a decision that goes beyond just medical expertise; it's where your individual needs and concerns are understood and prioritised. 

Acibadem Hospital stands out as a place where each patient's journey is approached with a commitment to personalised care.

1. Personalised Treatment and Expertise

Specialists at Acibadem are not only skilled in advanced hair transplant techniques but also committed to creating individualised treatment plansaligning patient's unique hair restoration goals.

2. Leading-Edge Technology

The hospital utilises the latest hair transplant technology, from precision tools like sapphire blades in FUE procedures to innovative methods like Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), offering patients access to the forefront of hair restoration solutions.

3. A Tradition of Excellence

Acibadem Hospital Hair Transplant Centre is renowned forhigh standards of patient care and successful outcomes. Its reputation as a leading hair transplant centre in Turkey is bolstered by its Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation, a testament to quality and patient safety.

4. Comprehensive Aftercare

Understanding that the journey extends beyond the procedure, Acibadem provides an all-encompassing aftercare program, ensuring patients receive guidance for a smooth recovery and the best possible results.  

Meet Expert Hair Restoration Specialists at Acibadem Hospital

In choosing Acibadem Hospital, you're not just selecting a medical facility; you're choosing a partner in your journey towards a fuller, more confident life. 


Experience World-Class Care – Find Out Why Acibadem is Your Ideal Choice


Understanding Hair Transplantation Costs: Why Turkey Stands Out

Let’s compare Turkey's prices with those in other key countries to give you a clear picture of the value you receive.

Hair Transplantation Prices: A Comparative Overview

Here's a quick glance at how hair transplant costs in Turkey stack up against prices in other countries: 

Types of Hair TransplantPrice Range in TurkeyPrice Range in America
Fue Hair Transplant€ 1,600 – € 2,700$ 12,400 – $ 16,900
DHI Hair Transplant€ 3,990 – € 5,000$ 13,800 – $ 15,300


Why Choose Turkey for Your Hair Transplant?

The cost comparison clearly demonstrates Turkey's competitive edge in offering affordable hair transplant solutions. At Acibadem Hospital, not only do you benefit from cost-effective pricing, but also gain access to world-class expertise, state-of-the-art technology, and comprehensive care. Turkey's position as a leading destination for hair transplantation is reinforced by its blend of quality, affordability, and excellent patient care.

Interested in exploring how Acibadem Hospital can offer you a high-quality, cost-effective hair transplant solution? Contact us to discuss your options and plan your journey. 

Hair Transplant CountryPrice Range (Euros)
Turkey€ 1,990 – € 3,500
UK (England)
€ 8,000 – € 20,500
United States
€ 9,900 – € 15,200
Germany€ 4,000 – € 13,200
Spain€ 3,500 – € 11,500
€ 7,500 – € 14,700
Ireland€ 19,000 – € 25,000


Assessing Your Suitability for a Hair Transplant: What You Need to Know

"Is a hair transplant the right choice for me?" This is one of the most pivotal questions you may ask yourself when considering hair restoration. 

Let's explore key factors that determine your suitability for a hair transplant, guiding you towards making an informed decision that's best for you.

1. Understanding Hair Loss Causes

Before considering a hair transplant, it's crucial to understand the underlying causes. 

Conditions like pattern baldness (both male and female), traumatic alopecia, and other forms of hair thinning are typically suitable for transplants. However, hair loss due to medical conditions like alopecia areata may not be ideal for this procedure.

2. Evaluating Donor Hair Quality

A successful hair transplant heavily relies on the quality and quantity of donor hair available. Typically, the back and sides of your scalp serve as donor areas. These areas should have healthy hair growth to ensure a successful transplant. If donor hair is limited, this might affect the transplant's outcome.

3. Age and Hair Loss Progression

Statistics show that by the age of 50, approximately 50% of men and a significant number of women experience noticeable hair loss. However, successful hair transplantation is not just about age or gender; it's about assessing your unique hair loss situation. 

Younger individuals might experience ongoing hair loss. It's often recommended to wait until hair loss patterns stabilise, usually around the late 20s or early 30s, for optimal results.

For those wondering, "Am I too young for a hair transplant?" or "Can women undergo hair transplants?", the answers lie in a personalised evaluation. Age, while a factor, is not a definitive criterion. And yes, women can also be excellent candidates for hair transplants, especially in cases of thinning hair rather than complete baldness.


Diverse Age Group Portraits Showcasing Various Stages of Hair Loss Treated at Acibadem Hospital.


4. Setting Realistic Expectations

Finally, having realistic expectations is key. A hair transplant can work wonders, but it won't give you the same hair density as your youth. It's about restoring hair in thinning areas to create a fuller, natural look. Consulting with hair restoration experts at Acibadem can help set achievable goals.   

Is Hair Transplant Right for You? Get a Personalised Assessment


Post-Procedure Care and Support at Acibadem Hospital

Wondering what happens after the significant step of a hair transplant? Acibadem believes that your journey to a fuller head of hair extends far beyond the procedure room. 

They craft a personalised post-care plan to ensure your comfort and safety. This includes detailed guidance on washing your new hair, managing discomfort, and protecting the treated area. Remember, the right aftercare is crucial for the best results


Tips for Post-Hair Transplant Care

1. Gentle Hair Care: Avoid harsh chemicals and stick to mild shampoos recommended by the specialists.

2. Avoid Direct Sunlight: Protect your scalp from sun exposure to prevent irritation and ensure optimal healing.

3. Keep Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water aids in the healing process.

4. Rest and Relaxation: Give your body the time it needs to heal. Avoid strenuous activities for the first few weeks.

Questions and Concerns? Post-procedure, you might have questions or concerns. The team encourages open communication and is available to provide answers and reassurance every step of the way. 

Start Your Remarkable Hair Transformation – Contact Us Today


Begin Your Transformation: How to Get Started with Acibadem

Wondering how to get started? It's simpler than you might think.   

1. Contact us to schedule your initial consultation. We're here to listen, understand your needs, and answer any questions you might have:  

WhatsApp: +254711082073  

Telephone Number: +254711082073  

Email: t 

2. Personalised Consultation

During your consultation, you'll meet with hair restoration specialists from Acibadem. They'll assess your hair loss, discuss potential treatments, and create a tailored plan that suits your needs and goals.   

3. Understanding Your Options

The team will provide all the information you need to make an informed decision, including details about different hair transplant techniques, what you can expect during and after the procedure, and the anticipated outcomes.   

4. Scheduling Your Procedure

Once you're ready to proceed, they will schedule your procedure at a time that's convenient for you. The team will also guide you through the preparation steps to ensure you're fully ready for the day of the transplant.   

5. Ongoing Support and Care

Even after your procedure, their commitment to your care continues being with you during your recovery and beyond, ensuring you're delighted with your results.   

Join the Journey to Confidence with Acibadem Hospital's Hair Restoration


Join a Family of Satisfied Patients – Book Your Consultation Now

At Acibadem, your dreams of restoring your hair and confidence are not just understood; they are shared and supported at every step. They take pride in being part of your transformation and the remarkable changes it brings to your life.


Ready to take the first step? Contact Acibadem today and start your journey to renewed confidence and a fuller head of hair.